The information, layouts and design elements provided on this website are subject to copyright. Partial or complete duplication or any other utilisation of the contents on this website is prohibited without written permission from S. M. Enterprises.
All information and details have been carefully researched and processed. However, S. M. Enterprises does not guarantee that the information is complete and correct. S. M. Enterprises assumes no liability for any damage resulting directly or indirectly in the context of the use, abuse or functionality of this website and the information it contains. Any reference made to other websites does not in any way constitute a recommendation for the corresponding company, its products or services.
All information and recommendations contained on this website are to the best of our knowledge correct. Since conditions of use are beyond our control, users must satisfy themselves that the products are suitable for the intended processes and uses. No warranty is given or implied in respect of information or recommendations or that any use of products will not infringe rights belonging to other parties. In any event or occurrence our liability is limited to our invoice value of the goods delivered to you by us. We reserve the right to change product design and properties without notice.
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